Building Bridges

Building Bridges is a space for educators, parents, community members, and students to share stories, resources, and ideas about how to build stronger school-community partnerships. Get inspired to become involved in your local schools and help us to build a better future for all students.


Partnering in Paradise!

December 28, 2023
This morning I got to talk with Kathy Thomas, Principal of Pine Ridge School in the Paradise Unified School District. I enjoyed getting to learn more about her and Pine Ridge.

Treats for Teachers!

December 28, 2023
It was great to get to deliver some treats (yummy cookies from a local bakery) to the staff at Biggs Elementary this afternoon in the midst of their preparations for the upcoming year!
Educator Spotlight

Aimee Wright

December 28, 2023
Aimee Wright is a Kindergarten teacher at Achieve Charter School of Chico. She recently celebrated her twentieth year as a classroom teacher.

Donuts and Coffee...Yum!

December 28, 2023
On Wednesday the wonderful staff at Achieve Charter School in Chico enjoyed donuts and coffee, compliments of PEP, as a morning treat as they prepared their classrooms for the upcoming year!

Calling all Butte County Teachers!

December 28, 2023
FREE TREATS WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE FIRST 10 BUTTE COUNTY TEACHERS who respond on our Positive Educational Partnerships FACEBOOK page with their name, school name and one thing they are looking forward to this coming school year!

More Back to School Treats for Teachers!

December 28, 2023
Today, in celebration of the first day of school for Oroville City Elementary School District, PEP provided treats to the staffs of Wyandotte Academy and Oakdale Heights, as well as to the District Office.
Educator Spotlight

Jason Cox and SiteHatchery

December 28, 2023
Jason Cox is a Chico native and one of the nicest guys you will meet! Jason was one of PEP’s first supporters and actually curated PEP’s logo of the bridge, signifying our mission of bridging schools with the community.
Educator Spotlight

Gwen Jenkins

December 28, 2023
Hello, my name is Gwen Jenkins. I've been married to my wonderful husband and friend for 37 years, we have 5 beautiful daughters, 6 amazing grandbabies, and 1 on the way.
Educator Spotlight

Ashley Stark

December 28, 2023
Hello! My name is Ashley Stark. My husband Zach (also a teacher) and I have been married for 8 years and have two young school aged children, one in TK and one second grader.

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